
We’re a Pontotoc County congregation in the Reformed and Presbyterian tradition that loves and serves God and neighbor.

We are learning to love, growing in God, and serving with joy.  Our vision is to be a community of people where all God’s children are welcomed. That includes you! We welcome you.

Online worship is at the church Facebook page, and on the church YouTube channel. This Sunday’s morning bulletin and hymns.

This is my congregation because of the friendships.  Also, the choir melts me away every Sunday.  And kids time in service brings a smile to my face.  Come and get blessed!

FPC Rocks

You HAVE to come to Rev. Buddy Baltimore’s Bible study Wednesday evenings.  He has spent his life with the Bible!  Also, I go to Coffee and Conversation Sunday mornings for great discussions on how it all applies…  Hope to see you there!

I learn being a child of God here